65 Chris Mitchell - 10 steps to success despite any obstacle

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Chris Mitchell is an inspirational and motivational author, writer, blogger, speaker and host of the #DefineYourself Podcast. Chris will be discussing the 10 steps he has developed and used to overcome every challenge in his life.

Chris Mitchell was born with several problems caused by the rubella syndrome. He was born with a constricted aorta, cataracts. As he grew, more problems became evident. He had speech impediment that was so severe he started speech therapy before preschool. Between Kindergarten and college, he was diagnosed with ADHD that lead to him being expelled from 4 schools. His early adult years he faced severe depression that wound him up in psychiatric eleven times before surviving a stroke that could have placed him in long term care – but he did not let any of these challenges stop him from succeeding in life.

Chris' top 3 tips:
1. Look at every challenge as a way to make yourself stronger.
2. If Chris can overcome everything he has in life, so can I!
3. Take ownership of your life before you can start changing your life.

Chris has a free eBook, the 10 Steps to #DefineYourself: How to succeed in life despite any obstacle. It covers the 10 steps he has developed over years of attending the school of hard knocks. It is available at www.10stepstodefineyourself.com

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