Expand your Russian vocabulary the smart way with patterns: consonant mutations with г and ж!

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The echoes of sound changes from hundreds of years ago can still be heard in modern Russian, and they can be a great tool for making educated guesses about new words, and expanding your vocabulary. In this short we'll look at one of the most common patterns, involving г and ж.

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Tiger image courtesy of nathalieburblis from Pixabay.
Bookstore image courtesy of memyselfaneye from Pixabay.
Road image courtesy of Dmitry Bukhantsov on Unsplash.
Fire image courtesy of Николай Егошин from Pixabay.
Roadmap image courtesy of Joe Christie from Pixabay.
Rabbits image courtesy of Beverly Buckley from Pixabay.
Grill image courtesy of Никита Лазоренко from Pixabay.
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